Monday 14 November 2011


Rahul Gandhi is called the Prince of the Congress Party. Politicians and party members alike kiss the ground he walks on. This fellow decides to address a rally in the village of Phulpur in UP. At this rally, a student from Allahabad University protested by carrying a black flag. The student was not shouting slogans, nor was he armed. He was standing there with the flag. Police and Rahul Gandhi’s aides were quick enough to attack him and beat him up mercilessly. Jitin Prasad, a politician and close aide of Rahul Gandhi, went ahead and kicked and beat the student severely along with police. Are we supposed to tolerate this? Is this democracy? And after all this, we still kiss the ground that these politicians walk on? The police could have arrested him or made the student leave the venue but instead they chose to beat him up mercilessly. Maybe he belonged to another political party but that is no civilized or democratic way of treating dissension or opposition. This issue will be hushed up very soon. The media will forget about it tomorrow and we shall go on worshiping these politicians. Are these people to decide our fate, who beat up people who have something different to say? This is despicable and there are no excuses.

The world at large calls India a democratic country but pray tell me where is the democracy? Corrupt politicians abound. Criminal cases against them are hushed up. They are reelected time and again. They always break their promises. They tolerate no opposition and even use force to subdue dissenting voices. We are scared of complaining against them for fear of our own physical safety. Where is the democracy in this? I once heard in a movie, “Peace is not the absence of violence, but it is the presence of justice”. I paraphrase it in this context, “Democracy is not the presence of innumerable political parties, but it is the presence of justice”.

Watch the video on YouTube at this link:

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